Asking That Special Someone Out for a Valentine’s Day Date

Asking That Special Someone Out for a Valentine’s Day Date

It can be a nerve-racking to ask out your crush out for a date on Valentine’s Day or generally on any occasion to put it simply. But, really. February 14 is just another day on the calendar you’ll be crossing out once it’s gone by in time. For many, successfully asking your crush out is a memorable moment and Valentine’s Day can make people go crazy over romance. If you think about it, how is it different from taking her out on a date on a different day of the year? Of course, I can’t blame you, dreaming to spend that day with someone so special to your heart. The 14th gives you a day pass to ask someone to be your Valentine anyway! Before you go ballistic and be all Captain Romantic in front of your crush, here are a few things you might want to bear in mind to shake the jitters and pull off a V-Day you can both enjoy.

Another Day on the Calendar

Does it really matter if you take your crush out for a dinner date on a fancy restaurant on V-Day? You can always ask her any day on the calendar and make it as special as the 14th. Nonetheless, you can ask your crush out and you have the right to do so especially on this day! Stores and restaurants can sure hype it up to pressure you to give the most romantic dinner date and splendid gift. Honestly? Is that what Valentine’s Day is about? Don’t pressure yourself just to impress. Express! Show that you want to be with that special someone on this day!

A for Effort

Asking That Special Someone Out for a Valentine’s Day Date

Put a little more effort when you ask your crush out for a date on V-Day. Stay away from phone calls and texting! Don’t just simply ask her to go out with you for dinner! Step up your game and ask him/her creatively! Nothing beats a smile or a good laugh from a sweet pick-up line to make his/her day. Pop the question and ask her out for a date. If pick-up lines aren’t your style, try food! Everybody loves food and it sure can do the trick! Order a box of donuts or pizza and request for a special message to be assembled through it. Cheesy much? Valentine’s Day may put pressure on you, but it gives you the chance too to be as cheesy as you want to be.

Gift from the Heart

Again, don’t impress, but express! If you’re planning to give a bouquet of roses, box of chocolates, and teddy bears, you might want to think twice. Thoughtful as the gesture is, that might be a little bit too serious for others. Jewelry might also be weighty as a gift, but you can always give him/her an accessory that reminds you of him/her. A jewelry with his/her birthstone or an accessory that reminds you of his personality and style is a good idea to show that you care enough to notice these details. Also, candies are good choices for a V-Day gift too! Sweet and enjoyable, gummy bears and flower candies can be good alternatives for your roses, chocolates, and stuffed toys. Put it in a personalized container, which she can keep as a remembrance!

Casual Dates are Your Cards

Asking That Special Someone Out for a Valentine’s Day Date

For sure, restaurants during this time are fully booked and it will be difficult to find a romantic dining place you and your crush can spend the V-Day at. She agrees to go out with you so make sure you have something prepared! Spontaneity is your enemy during this time. Don’t make your crush wait and become impatient looking for a dinner place. Out of the box Valentine’s dates are great too! Find a perfect place where you can both have a picnic, relax, and talk. Play some music while you’re at it just to lighten up the mood.

Just ask your crush out! You’ll never know until you do it. After all, what do you have to lose? Stop overthinking! The more you worry about this day, the more you get jittery to ask him/her out. Don’t let the pressure stop you from spending the day with that special someone. Just go for it! What matters is you both celebrate and enjoy this special day together.

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