6 Tips to Achieve that Bikini Bod for the Summer

6 Tips to Achieve That Bikini Bod For The Summer

Staying fit and getting that summer bikini bod doesn’t come without sacrifices. It can be a fulfilling endeavor, but really is a challenge for many as they try to lose weight through different diets and programs. Living healthier and staying fit really are tough tasks that need discipline and dedication. But, hey! I don’t see any reason why you shouldn’t invest your time and money to achieve a better body and lifestyle? These sacrifices will pay off in the long run! Read these six tips you should try and take note of as you undergo a body reconstruction.

Eat right!

Eat Right

70% of your weight loss effort comes from having a better and healthier diet. No matter how intense you work out, all these efforts will go to waste if you keep on eating that junk processed food. These contain large amounts of unhealthy cholesterol, added sugar and salt, and tons of carbohydrates with very little amount of nutrition. These will add more weight to your body! Instead, go for a balanced diet. Go for fruits and vegetables, and lean meat!



The remaining 30% of your endeavor comes from working out. Combining this to a healthy diet is the best way to cut down that weight! Physical activity helps you burn calories and build muscles. There are different types of exercises that you can do. Cardio workouts, such as jogging, running, or cycling, or weight lifting are good exercises that will keep your heart pumping and assist your metabolism into optimum levels. You can search or make your own program and see what works best for your own body.

Drink More Water

Drink More Water

It is very easy for people to miss out on this. When eating out in restaurants, you’ll probably settle with the glass of soda or juice that is served. Well, don’t! After eating and taking amounts of carbohydrates and sugar, drink water to aid in digestion, absorption of nutrients, and flushing out of toxins. Drink even more water when you work out to replace the water and stay hydrated. Drink 1-2 glasses of water when you wake up to energize your body and get your systems running. This will also prevent you from consuming more calories throughout the day.



Never underestimate the power of sleeping. Sleeping is connected to a number of factors when trying to cut your weight down. When you get enough sleep, you avoid getting stressed out easily and thus gives you the power to control your diet. You prevent stress eating, control your cravings and feel less hungry after meals. Sleep deprived people also don’t have enough energy and gets tired easily during work outs. You don’t get the full capacity of your body when you do not get enough sleep.

Get a Dose of Vitamin D

Get A Dose of Vitamin D

Go out and get enough vitamin D from the morning sun! People with right amounts of D’s  tend to lose more weight as these keep your diet in check and prevent you from having those cravings and feeling hungrier. These also assist your body to efficiently absorb weight-loss nutrients.

Educate Yourself

Educate Yourself

It doesn’t take much of your time to educate yourself with the food that you consume and workouts that you do. You can always research and read about nutrition facts and exercises to see what works with you best. Try asking nutritionist and professional weight loss instructors too!


Discipline and dedication are the keys to achieve a healthy and fit bikini bod! It will take weeks and even months to see significant changes, so be patient when you try these tips out. Make that change! Make your own diet and a weight loss program you’ll follow for a month. Once your body adapts to your program, make sure to modify it and find the best mode for your own body. Good luck and don’t forget to enjoy!

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